Adam's Blog

A real blog post

Monday May 09, 2011
Category: Uncategorized

Isn't a blog supposed to be about the musings of the blogger? I have done a lot of reporting of projects that I have finished. This summer I am going to try and post more works in progress and expose process a little more.

As an artist I try to just get things done. I rarely focus on code quality while developing and when a project works I almost never clean up the code for others to look at it. I'll try and fix that this summer. I have been playing with github to help me explore my code over time and look at the development of code by some other art practitioners.

I have also been investigating drupal as a CMS. Right now, my website uses indexhibit for the main site and a wordpress install for the blog. I am looking for a system that do everything and integrate with everything. I looked at Joomla once, but we mostly didn't get along.

You may have noticed my html5 experiment for the website. My problem with handrolling a site, besides the obvious, is compatibility. I'd love to have a site that changed to an appropriate form for every platform that happened to land here. I would like a wild animation if your browser could handle it, and something more simple yet interesting for iPhones, lower end Android devices, and all of the other interesting things that are now on the internet.

I don't have comments enabled on this blog. If you have ideas or comments send me an email or hit me up on twitter. I'd prefer to talk in public so let's talk on twitter. Let's try #fixadamswebsite for the tag to keep the conversation together. Be patient with me though, I am thinking that revamping my website will take the next 4 months.

Over the summer I will update my website to help you few readers to get what you want from this place a little easier and more relevant as you explore. I'll also clean up my code and make it easier for you to find so you can use it or investigate it.

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