I went out tonight to three art openings around town and I was totally
jazzed from seeing art. So I have come home and tried to do something
before I go to sleep. This is my first sketch that is a continuation of
the day before.
I was looking at things and thinking about in-between. I have made a
simple patch that takes yesterday's patch but adds a cloud of random
points and I can do linear interpolation between the two. It is crude
right now but there are some very interesting intermediate states
between objects that arrive. I have also properly implemented the Dan
Shiffman sugar from his space junk sketch so I get some more variation
from frame to frame.
Again, OPENGL so code will follow the image, now animated.
I made a bad VJ patch today. I have a rotating sphere made from a series
of line strips with colour gradients. The patch pulses with size and
colour to volume. Maybe soon I will put that feature extraction from the
other day to use and make something a little more sophisticated.
It is made with OPENGL again so I have included the code below.
Another audio analysis simple patch for today. I looked into the
BeatDetect object in MINIM and found that yesterday's code could be done
even simpler by using the built in detector. It isn't very good but it
works. I didn't do much tweaking on it but I bet with some massaging I
could get it to detect my signals a little bit better.
So today's patch is a bit of a homage to Dan Shiffman's space junk
patch. The patch has three magic lines that make it look great. The
last three valid lines are rotatings in x,y,z. What makes it special is
that those lines are repeated multiple times in each frame and a
translate is performed afterwards with no pushMatrix() or popMatrix().
So the reference is moved about the sketch multiple times so that there
is some interesting placement of objects about the space.
This patch uses the detected volume and onset information to draw a set
of shapes around the screen with varying rotation based upon the
detected parameters. On my machine the frames show up for a very short
amount of time and often aren't drawn fully so it looks quite glitchy
and nice. When I render it out to screenshots the image is preserved.
Try squinting and covering half the image in a weird way and you will
see what I see when it is running, or run the code yourself.
Today's sketch is a take on the mouse controlled ball that you can
rotate and throw. I have a sphere here that is rotated by making a loud
sound. I have done a rather crude thresholding but I discovered that
MINIM has a nice level() call on audiobuffers that return the RMS.
I also discovered that on a mac when you export your patch to the web it
doesn't work well if you are using OPENGL. I have included the code
inline with the blog, which I don't like so much but it will get the
idea to you.
Like I predicted this is a much shorter sketch than on the weekends.
This is going to be the way of it until I get more efficient at my
changing weeks.
Last night I finished watching the first season of The Wire. I have
been watching it on DVD and the splash screen and the opening scene of
the show has all of these signal displays. So, I dusted off my
trigonometry skills and started making some sine waves dance on my
I have some ideas about how to tweak this a bit more by casting the
shapes to PImages and then applying filters but I have a busy day, so
that will happen another time. I expect that the sketches during the
week will be shorter than the weekend ones. I think that is just how it
Today's Code:
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