Adam's Blog

Day 15

Thursday September 16, 2010
Category: Creative Pact 2010

Whew! Here is a quick patch based upon a circle that draws brightness based on the level according to FFT analysis. I can see this moving and rotating in the future but for today I have something done.

I think I am going to start looking at saving frames and doing waterfall like displays so you can see into the past. That should be fun.

Screenshot of software. Screenshot of software.

Day 14

Wednesday September 15, 2010
Category: Creative Pact 2010

Today was a good day. I have settled on 720x480 resolution for now so I can do things in native DVD resolution and hopefully make some nice looking video at the end of this experiment. I came up with an idea of circle that responds to audio. I made it respond to volume for brightness and I rendered the circle with a crude particle system. I also added some Alva Noto like flashing for fun.

Screenshot of software. Screenshot of software.

Day 13

Tuesday September 14, 2010
Category: Creative Pact 2010

Today I am working with a visual idea that I want to turn into music. I have a blurry scene where the action moves up and a sine wave moves down. It is a start.

I am using a stack blur from quasimondo. It is super fast and it looks ok. Not quite as pleasurable as a gaussian but way faster. I also got bit on a pointer reference thing when converting a PGraphics to a PImage. Be careful! PGraphics is a subclass of PImage and you can assign one to the other thanks to inheritance but to copy the actual image from one to the other you have to use the get() method  and then things will behave like you expect. Thanks to the javadocs for Processing.

I have linked code at the bottom.

Screenshot of software. Screenshot of software.

Day 12

Sunday September 12, 2010
Category: Creative Pact 2010

I was again playing with GLGraphics and had a happy accident. I added some more shaders to a sketch and got these swirling worlds. I think this is something I am going to keep. I did something I thought I understood and came up with these great visuals for some reason. This illustrates to me that I need a little more theory before I dig deeper with shaders. Some other time.

My big problem is that I haven't added audio so I am diverting a bit from my original idea at the beginning of the month.  Tomorrow I will refocus.

Screenshot of software. Screenshot of software.

Day 11

Sunday September 12, 2010
Category: Creative Pact 2010

Today was a bit of a bust. I tried writing some GLSL shaders using GLGraphics and didn't have much luck. I have been wanting to dig into the library for awhile but haven't had time, so today was the day. I was able to get some simple frag shaders going but blurs weren't working. I upgraded to the new version only to find new functionality came with a new API. The patch I made works but crashes after 10 seconds or so. When I have more time I will look further into the issue or post it on the forums but for now I just have a day to make something.

Screenshot of software.

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